Manfred Heinz

Manfred Heinz

Senior Consultant | Offensive Security

Executive summary

Practice areas

  • Planning and execution of penetration tests of web applications and APIs
  • Planning and execution of penetration tests of IoT devices and complete IoT ecosystems
  • Main consulting areas include:
    • Penetration tests of web applications / APIs
    • IT infrastructure penetration tests
    • IoT penetration tests

Industry expertise

  • Manufacturing industry - IoT, machinery and plant engineering, security systems, automotive
  • Transport & logistics, postal services, mail order
  • Finance & insurance

Additional information

  • OffSec Certified Professional (OSCP)


  • F. Vewinger, M. Heinz, R.G. Fernandez, N.V. Vitanov, K. Bergmann (2003) Creation and measurement of a coherent superposition of quantum states. Physical Review Letters 91(21):213001
  • Vewinger, Frank & Heinz, Manfred & Schneider, Ulrich & Barthel, Christian & Bergmann, Klaas. (2007). Amplitude and phase control of a coherent superposition of degenerate states. II. Experiment. Physical Review A - PHYS REV A. 75. 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.043407.
  • Heinz, Manfred & Vewinger, Frank & Schneider, Ulrich & Yatsenko, Leonid & Bergmann, Klaas. (2006). Phase control in a coherent superposition of degenerate quantum states through frequency control. Optics Communications. 264. 248-255. 10.1016/j.optcom.2006.03.072.