Cyber Incident Response and Crisis Center

Your partner for preparing, responding and investigating security incidents and cyber-attacks. Competence at your side.

Cyber Incident Response and Crisis Center

Cyber Incident Response and Crisis Center

Cyber attack?

For immediate assistance in the event of a cyber-attack, contact our specialists.


Countering cyber-attacks successfully

Whether you are a DAX-listed company, a medium-sized enterprise or part of the public sector: Any organization can be affected by cyber-attacks. They are now part of everyday IT operations, and it is almost impossible to prevent attacks entirely. At the same time, the number of successful attacks is increasing from year to year.

Strong response capabilities are needed to recognize and deal with attacks at an early stage. For many companies, however, setting up their own systems and teams to defend against cyber-attacks is not economical or simply not possible, as experts are desperately sought after worldwide. But only those who are prepared and react quickly can minimize potential damage and downtime in the event of a successful cyber-attack.

This is where BDO comes in as your strong partner for cyber emergencies. Our team of expert’s core expertise is detecting cyber-attacks, quickly determining and taking the right defensive measures, determining the root cause of the incident, and supporting you in transitioning from emergency operations back to regular business-as-usual.
Cyber Incident Response Service

Cyber Incident Response Service

The Cyber Incident Response Service (CIRS) from BDO Cyber Security GmbH gives you 24/7 access to our team of specialists. Through a rapid and targeted response to cyber-attacks, damage can be contained and downtime minimized. Utilizing our many years of experience in dealing with IT security incidents, we are well prepared for any scenario and can help you professionally and effectively. The Cyber Incident Response Service is an annual on-call service with clearly defined response times and discounted fees for assignments exceeding the hours of your plan. So you can plan with confidence!
Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics

Our digital forensics services enable you to investigate security incidents in a targeted manner and gain insights into their causes and effects. We also provide you with detailed recommendations for actionable measures and further support during the implementation.

Our team has extensive expertise in investigating various types of security incidents and cyber-attacks, such as (email) fraud, data theft, encryption (ransomware), DDoS and more. Our reports are tailored to the target audience, providing the relevant information in a way that is easy to comprehend: For you, for insurance companies or to support criminal prosecution.

Our service covers all the steps involved in a digital forensic investigation. We offer support in the organizational assessment and handling of the incident, create data backups, carry out technical analyses and interviews, and prepare the results and opportunities for improvement in a targeted and actionable manner.

Do you have an incident that you would like to investigate, or do you want to protect yourself against future attacks? Don't hesitate to contact our experts to find out more!
Cyber emergency management

Cyber emergency management

Our emergency management specialists hold diverse certificates and can work with you to ensure that your organization can maintain its critical operational functions during a crisis or emergency. This includes developing plans, processes, and systems to ensure that key business activities can continue under adverse circumstances. This includes measures such as backup systems, alternative work locations, crisis communication plans and the continuous review and updating of these strategies. Furthermore, we will assist you with developing strategies and processes to mitigate even the worst-case scenario, so that it may not occur at all.

The service includes:

  • Coordination of the specialist departments and service providers involved.
  • Organization of individual emergency operations.
  • Identification of critical business processes and modelling of measures to maintain these in emergency situations.
  • Support with internal and external communication.

Partner of the Alliance for Cyber Security

Partner der Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit

The Alliance for Cyber Security is an initiative in Germany to increase resilience to cyber-attacks and improve cyber security for all stakeholders. It was founded by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) together with Bitkom and provides a platform for the exchange of information, experiences and best practices between participants from industry, the public sector and academia. The initiative comprises various measures and offers, including regular information on current cyber threats, workshops and events on cyber security, as well as opportunities for networking and collaboration between members. BDO Cyber Security GmbH is a proud partner in the Alliance for Cyber Security network. We are involved in the exchange formats and are happy to contribute our expertise to the network in the form of partner offers.

Contact us!

Nils Stünkel

Nils Stünkel

Manager | Cyber Incident Response & Crisis Center (CIRCC)
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Prof. Dr. Alexander Schinner

Prof. Dr. Alexander Schinner

Partner | Cyber Incident Response & Crisis Center (CIRCC), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Security Operation Center (SOC)
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Tobias Kasch

Tobias Kasch

Senior Manager | Cyber Incident Response & Crisis Center (CIRCC)
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